Monday, March 18, 2013

It's a lifestyle!

So I don't know about you, but I have a tendency for extremes. What I mean is when I am committed, I'm super committed. If I've started a new Beachbody program I follow it to the T, not a grain of sugar touches my lips, not a day goes by without 110% given to my workout.
However on the contrary, if I've finished a program and waiting to start the next one the excuses come flying. "This brownie is a treat for finishing" (not a problem until I eat the entire pan of brownies), "my body needs the rest today" (a day yes, a week no).  Then comes the week long binge on pizza, chicken wings, ice-cream, laying on the couch, etc. Of course I feel absolutely horrible this week, stomach problems, muscle fatigue and aches, head aches, emotional guilt and temporary depression. All around terrible, and the sad thing is I know I will feel this way, and I do it anyway. Then comes the incredible difficulty of getting out of that slump. My body has become addicted to sugar again, the muscle not used to being used as thoroughly, and getting the mind refocused.

So today I encourage you and myself, to remember this is not a diet, not about finishing one challenge program, not about getting ready for a beach vacation. It is a lifestyle. It's about what is good for your body, what will continue to keep you healthy as you age, about being a good steward of the body the Lord has given to you. You can do it, never give up!

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