Monday, February 25, 2013

How to Deal

So I'll make this short and sweet; life is hard. There are many challenges, both with good outcomes and bad, but learn to take it all with a grain of salt. Learn to not take yourself too seriously, and learn to no matter what 
get back up. 

There are many ways to deal with the stresses of life, I use a variety of methods to combat the crappy things in life. Number one my belief in God and relationship with Jesus. No matter the worse circumstances my God knows, has felt it himself, and has the power to save or sustain me through it. Second my relationship with my loved ones, namely my husband, who loves me fiercely and will do anything within this power to help or console me. And thirdly fitness and nutrition. 

Fitness and nutrition is not only about eating right and exercise, but it's a lifestyle of healthy living. Its saying to yourself, I believe I am valuable and worth taking care of, and I will work hard to take care of my body and well being.

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