Thursday, February 7, 2013

Trying this blog thing out....

Okay so this is something very new to me, in fact besides very basic Facebook activity, social media in general is pretty new to me. Sooo, bare with me please. Some of you may know that I have have recently become a BeachBody Coach, well it has been a long time coming. I have always been a fairly active person. Actually growing up I was voted most athletic in middle and high school, and then continued to play intramural sports through out college. But then.... you graduate.....dun dun dun.

Life after school and organized sports soon became filled with random outdoor activities. However these were few and far between, and squeezed into a life filled with work and adult responsibilities, yuck. So there began my search for something else. Being a night shift nurse, on days off I found myself staying up late and somehow watching a lot of infomercials. I have to say my favorite one was "Your Baby Can Read," but seeing as I didn't have a baby I opted for ordering P90X, the BeachBody workout program. What started off as a group of 4-5 girls, quickly slimmed down to me and a friend faithfully working out together, and seeing awesome results.

My friend (left) and I  (right) about to do some Insanity

Well fast forward five years, I am still doing and loving BeachBody work outs, and I am now a BeachBody coach because I believe in the company. I am a product of the products, and I have a passion for fitness and nutrition. I love training my body, fueling it with beneficial foods, and then seeing the results my hard work has paid for, as well as helping others do the same!

So... all that to say, this will be a blog about health and nutrition, my journey through it all, and hopefully some helpful tips, tricks, and recipes to help you through your fitness journey too.

Okay Friends, I suppose that's all for now. If you want to check out my BeachBody Site here is a link:

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