Monday, February 11, 2013

Motivational Monday

I think as a blogger you are suppose to come up with catchy themes for the days of the week, aire goes "Motivational Monday." 

So it's now February 11th, well into the new year. How many of you made those get fit, lose weight, be healthy resolutions? And how are we doing? Maybe you hit some bumps in the road, it's okay, don't give up!  Let's think about this, do you have a concrete goal? Do you want to lose weight, okay  how much weight? Do you want to exercise more, okay what kind? when? 
Now do you have a plan to achieve your goal? Be positive, and don't make excuses make solutions! Maybe you are like me and take every second you can to lay in bed just a little longer. Well I sleep in my workout clothes, have the dvd already in the player, water on the table, and all I have to do is brush my teeth because huffing and puffing morning breath is not pleasant.

I'm sure this is nothing you haven't heard before, and I'm not blowing your mind with new thoughts over hear. But it is a friendly reminder to not forget about those resolutions. If they were important enough to make, then they are important enough to keep. So come on people. If you have fallen off track and need some help getting back I have a great opportunity for you. 


That is the formula to my BeachBody Challenge Groups. March 1st I will be starting an Insanity Challenge Group and a TurboFire Challenge Group. These are both high intensity cardio conditioning workout programs that will help you lose weight, burn fat, and tone muscles. These challenge groups are the perfect plan to help you achieve that fitness resolution you made back in January. 
Comment if you want more information. 

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